Influence of the ‘Learning Disability’ label on teachers' performance expectations — A matter of attitudes towards inclusion?

In our study of 429 special and regular education teachers, we examined the impact of a 'Learning Disability' (LD) label on teachers' performance expectations. Teachers exposed to the LD label had lower expectations for the student's academic achievement. Special education teachers showed lower expectations overall, but positive attitudes towards inclusion appeared to mitigate some negative effects of the LD label.

Implicit and Explicit Measurement of Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Autism Spectrum Disorder

We examined how a short-term training on autism affected the attitudes of 50 pre-service teachers towards students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Results showed that explicit attitudes significantly improved after training, while implicit attitudes remained neutral. The study suggests that future research on sensitive topics should combine both measures, and that explicit attitudes may be more susceptible to bias than implicit attitudes.

Die Wirksamkeit von Fortbildungen zu inklusiver Bildung unter der Lupe: Eine Metaanalyse

In diesem Beitrag bereiten wir die Ergebnisse einer Metaanalyse für Praktikerinnen auf. Diese zeigt positive Auswirkungen von Fortbildungsprogrammen für inklusive Bildung, insbesondere auf das Wissen und die Fähigkeiten von Lehrkräften. Weiterhin leiten wir Empfehlungen für Lehrkräfte und Fortbildnerinnen ab.

Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Fragebogens zur Messung von Einstellungen zu Lernenden mit externalisierenden Verhaltensproblemen

In this study we developed and tested a new instrument to understand how teachers perceive students with emotional and behavioral difficulties. The survey effectively measures teachers' attitudes and can be freely used to improve inclusive education practices.

Entwicklung von Unterrichtsmaterial zum Uhrenlernen und erste Evaluation im Multiple Baseline Design

Es wurden didaktische Materialien zur Verbesserung des Uhrlesens und des Zeitverständnisses entwickelt und in einem MBD mit sechs Teilnehmerinnen evaluiert. Insgesamt bestätigt sich das große Potential der modularen Materialreihe. Sie sind frei als Open Educational Resource frei verfügbar.

Untersuchung der Einstellung zu Inklusion: Validierung und faktorenanalytische Überprüfung einer Kurzversion der PREIS-Skala

Die Studie prüft die Kurzskala PREIS-K zur Messung von Einstellungen zum inklusiven Schulsystem. Die Skala zeigt eine stabile Faktorenstruktur und Messäquivalenz zwischen Lehrkräften und Eltern. Sie ermöglicht ökonomische Untersuchungen der Einstellungen zu Inklusion und eignet sich für große Vergleichs- und Längsschnittstudien.

Does the 'Learning Disability' label lower teachers’ performance expectations?

We investigated the influence of the learning disability label on performance expectations among prospective teachers in Germany. Using an experimental design with 276 participants, they read a description of a student with academic problems, with only the experimental group having the student labeled as having a learning disability. Results revealed no significant main effect of the learning disability label, but prospective special education teachers had partially lower performance expectations than regular education teachers.

Does Professional Development Effectively Support the Implementation of Inclusive Education? A Meta‑Analysis

We conducted a meta-analysis of 342 studies to examine the effectiveness of professional development for teachers regarding inclusive education. We found positive effects on all outcome categories, including large effects on teachers' knowledge and moderate effects on teachers' skills. Long-term training with high practical relevance and active learning opportunities was found to be most effective.

Teaching Open and Reproducible Scholarship: A Critical Review of the Evidence Base for Current Pedagogical Methods and Their Outcomes

Our recent review found that the scientific community's call for credible, robust, and reproducible research practices has not been adequately incorporated into undergraduate and postgraduate training. Our research suggests that embedding these practices can enhance students' understanding of open research, encourage scientific literacy, boost engagement, and foster positive attitudes toward science. We also identify a need for stronger methodologies in pedagogical research, including experimental evaluations of teaching practice.

Open Science als Weg zu verlässlicher sonderpädagogischer Forschung

Outlines how open science practices can help special and inclusive education researchers to make the research process more transparent and communication with the research community more open and immediate. Offers a commentary on how this is nothing else than a revival of broadly accepted scientific values.