Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Fragebogens zur Messung von Einstellungen zu Lernenden mit externalisierenden Verhaltensproblemen


Teachers' attitudes are considered a relevant factor for the successful implementation of inclusive education. However, teachers often perceive the target group of learners with emotional and behavioral difficulties most critically. A German questionnaire measuring attitudes towards learners with externalizing behavior problems, evaluated with a substantial sample, is still missing. We developed such an instrument as part of the present study. The newly developed instrument was piloted with 454 teachers. In addition to the item analysis results, several factor analyses are presented and discussed. A three factor structure fits the collected data best and showed satisfactory to good internal consistency. Convergent validity (attitudes toward the inclusive school system) is also adequate (.39 < r > .58). In this study, attitudes toward learners with behavior problems could be measured reliably and validly. The questionnaire is available under an open license and can be used freely.

Vierteljahresschrift für Heilpädagogik und ihre Nachbargebiete, 92(4), 266-280
Timo Lüke
Timo Lüke
Professor of Inclusive Education and Improvement of Instruction

Interested in instruction, and assessment, especially for learners with disabilities or at risk. Special educator with a focus on learning & intellectual disabilities, and enthusiastic user of single-case research methods.
